I left you yesterday(Saturday) as we finished cruising Amsterdam's canals and boarded our river boat for Volendam. We sailed through a small lock after lunch into the "Marker Lake" (Markermeer), part of a larger lake called the Ijsselmeer and docked at Volendam. This sea used to be known as the famous Zuiderzee before it was closed off from the North Sea by dykes in 1933. Volendam is no longer a prosperous fishing village as the lake filled with freshwater, and fish from these waters are not as valuable as the salt water varieties. Much of the old structures still remained, and we enjoyed our stroll through the town.
Some of our group rode bicycles from there to Edam. A very flat landscape makes this region great for cycling. The rest of us drove the short distance to this village, famous for its cheeses. Much smaller and quieter than Volendam, this town offered peaceful lanes through which to stroll and the cheese tasting was a welcome and delicious treat.
Back on the ship about 5pm we set sail for Arnhem. It's wonderful to sit in the dining room sipping excellent wines (included with the cruise) and enjoy a delicious 5+ course dinner as you watch the countryside pass by. I MUST find time to use the treadmill!
Sunday morning again dawned bright and sunny -- how long can this wonderful weather hold???Some of our group opted to observe " a day of rest" while 4 of us drove to the Netherlands Open Air Museum. This name is totally deceptive as it's more of a 'National Folk Museum'. It was founded by a group concerned that increasing industrialization was destroying any semblance of the rich heritage and traditions of the Netherlands. They leased a beautiful estate and began transferring historical buildings to the grounds. We spent a delightful morning touring old homes and public buildings The commercial laundry operating in the 17th century was amazing! I couldn't resist photos of the various windmills -- each with a different function. The one in this photo was used to grind corn.
This posting ends as we set sail for Nijmegan and immersion in WWII in the Netherlands.
Tune in tomorrow for our next adventures.
This afternoon we are sailing to Nijmegen, site of much WWII history. Since I was toured the city last year, I am opting to go to Airborne Museum
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