Overnight our 'hotel' sailed to Utrecht where we docked just long enough to board buses for the beautiful Keukenhof Gardens, about an hour away in the South Holland region. Weather forecast was still sunny and 70 degrees, although tomorrow when we leave for home, rain and colder weather are predicted. According to our guide, the past winter was very cold with lots of skating on the canals. This resulted in late blooming of the tulips making this week the peak of the season. As Julie Andrews sang, “I must have done something good!”
The Gardens are only open 8 short weeks of the year, this year from March 18th thru May 16th. The park covers a total of 70 acres, both indoor and outdoor, where a total of 7 million planted bulbs are in bloom. Indoor pavilions feature orchids. We had a special treat today as we drove past acres and acres of brilliant colors of tulips and hyacinths on the way to the gardens. These are the fields where the tulips as well their bulbs are grown for export. I was here about 2 weeks later last spring and all the tulips had been cut. I've never seen such an incredible display of colors!
About 1pm we returned to the boat which had sailed on to Amsterdam and was docked in the same spot where we began our cruise a very short week ago. The afternoon was free to do last minute shopping or sightseeing. Several of us hopped on a StopnGo van for the famous Rijksmuseum containing the Netherlands best collection of the old Masters.
The city was definitely in a party mood as celebrations had already begun for the Queen's Birthday which is celebrated tomorrow, April 30. It is actually a celebration of former Queen Beatrix' birthday and, although she died several years ago, the Dutch love this excuse to party. Since she was a member of the House of Orange, everything and everyone is draped in orange – even the beer is dyed orange! Sort of a cross between Mardi Gras in New Orleans and St. Patrick's Day in Ireland.
Well, all good things must come to a close, and early tomorrow we board a flight to the US. But we definitely plan to return to The Low Countries before too many tulip seasons have passed!
FYI - On May 10th I leave for Capetown, South Africa, and hope to be sending you updates on another part of our wonderful world!