By 9am we had left the ship and were on a city tour of Basel, the 3rd largest city in Switzerland. I remember driving through the city back in the 1970's when we lived in Ramstein, Germany. The city was on our route to the ski slopes in the Alps. Today, unfortunately, the weather was dreary but not cold. Actually, if it had been colder, we might have seen snow. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for the white stuff.
The city is divided by the Rhine into the historical section (the Grossbasel) on the left bank and the trendy section Kleinbasel on the right bank. Our walking tour of the Left bank began with the Kuntsmuseum, one of the most prestigious museums in Europe, first opened to the public in 1661. Works included not only 15th and 16th century German and Swiss masters but more modern artists as well.
Our walk took us to the site of the 12th-century Gothic Munster Cathedral where prince-bishops ruled this city with an iron hand until they were driven out during the Protestant Reformation of 1529. The Pfalz terrace at the rear of the chancel provided us with a splendid, although grey, view of the city and the rapidly flowing Rhine.
Across the street from the Marketplatz which had not only Christmas greenery but also fresh vegetables was the 16th century Rathaus (town hall) with its gleaming gilded spire. Little has survived from the city's 14th century fortifications except the clocktower,
After lunch and a mug of Gluhwein from a Basel market, we left Basel and headed south to Lucerne. Lush green fields with Swiss-style farm houses appeared along the road, but the best surprise was when I suddenely looked up and saw snow on the lower Alps on the far side of the lake.

Much more about Lucerne tomorrow. We have the whole day to explore it.
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